Team > Tobias Klinge

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Economic Geography
Tobias studied geography at the Georg-August-University Göttingen and economic geography at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main.
From 2018 to 2022, he was a research assistant in the Division of Geography and Tourism at KU Leuven (Belgium).
His ongoing PhD project focuses on geographies of financialization, in particular using examples of companies.
His research interests are generally in political economy-inspired economic geography with broad applications.

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Economic Geography
Articles in a journal (Peer reviewed)
Tobias J. Klinge, Stefan Ouma, Reijer Hendrikse: Capitalising on conjunctures : Tesla's ups and downs in financialised capitalism. In: Finance and Society, (2025). - S. 1-20.
Tobias J. Klinge, Reijer Hendrikse, Rodrigo Fernandez, Ilke Adriaans: Augmenting digital monopolies : A corporate financialization perspective on the rise of Big Tech. In: Competition & Change, 27 (2023). - S. 332-353.
Manuel B. Aalbers, Zac J. Taylor, Tobias J. Klinge, Rodrigo Fernandez: In Real Estate Investment We Trust : State De-risking and the Ownership of Listed US and German Residential Real Estate Investment Trusts. In: Economic Geography, 99 (2023). - S. 312-335.
Diliara Valeeva, Tobias J. Klinge, Manuel B. Aalbers: Shareholder payouts across time and space : an internationally comparative and cross-sectoral analysis of corporate financialisation. In: New Political Economy, 28 (2023). - S. 173-189.
Reijer Hendrikse, Ilke Adriaans, Tobias J. Klinge, Rodrigo Fernandez: The Big Techification of Everything. In: Science as Culture, 31 (2022). - S. 59-71.
Tobias J. Klinge: Foreign investments in New Zealand’s agricultural sector and their regulation, 2001–2017. In: Globalizations, 18 (2021). - S. 533-550.
Tobias J. Klinge, Rodrigo Fernandez, Manuel B. Aalbers: Whither corporate financialization? A literature review. In: Geography Compass, 15 (2021). - .
Tobias J. Klinge, Rodrigo Fernandez, Manuel B. Aalbers: La financiarización de las grandes empresas farmacéuticas. In: Revista Internacional de Sociología, 78 (2020). - .
Articles in a book
Tobias J. Klinge, Stefan Ouma: Finanzialisierung. In: Eva Nöthen, Verena Schreiber (Hrsg.): Transformative Geographische Bildung : Schlüsselprobleme, Theoriezugänge, Forschungsweisen, Vermittlungspraktiken. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023. - S. 21-28.
Stefan Ouma, Tobias J. Klinge: Commodities. In: Janelle Knox-Hayes, Dariusz Wójcik, Dariusz, (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook of Financial Geography. - New York : Routledge, 2021. - S. 208-231.
Tobias J. Klinge: Finanzialisierung. In: Jan Brunner, Anna Dobelmann, Sarah Kirst, Louisa Prause (Hrsg.): Wörterbuch Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte. - Bielefeld : transcript, 2019. - S. 72-78.
Tobias J. Klinge, Stefan Ouma: Zur nationalen Regulierung globaler Agrarinvestitionen : Das Beispiel Aotearoa Neuseeland. In: Michael Mießner, Matthias Naumann (Hrsg.): Kritische Geographien ländlicher Entwicklung : Globale Transformationen und lokale Herausforderungen. - Münster : Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2019. - S. 161-176.
Michael Mießner, Tobias J. Klinge: Sozialräumliche Segregation in der Stadt Göttingen : Verdrängungsprozesse im Spannungsfeld von Investorenstrategien und sozial gerechter Wohnraumversorgung. In: Ulrich Harteisen, Christoph Dittrich, Tobias Reeh, Swantje Eigner-Thiel (Hrsg.): Tagungsband "Land und Stadt - Lebenswelten und planerische Praxis" : 24. November 2016. - Göttingen : Goltze Druck, 2017. - S. 117-140.

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Economic Geography
Tobias Klinge
Research Associate
Room: 131, GEO II
Office hours: upon appointment
Phone: +49921-552050