Co-History of care work and technology
Co-History of care work and technology
- Team: M
- Zugriff auf Podcast #6
What does technology have to do with care work? How have industrialization and new technologies changed housework over the past centuries? Have the changes been positive or negative? And what do the definitions of technology and care work have to do with any of this? We’ll be attempting to answer some of these questions this episode, where we’ll especially be looking at one book: “More Work for Mother, The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave” by Ruth Schwarz Cowan (2000).
Agar, Jon (2020): What is technology? In: Annals of Science 77(3), S. 377-382.
Cowan, Ruth Schwartz (2000): More work for mother. The ironies of household technology from the open hearth to the microwave.
Davis, Mark (2015): After the clinic? Researching sexual health technology in context. In Culture, Health and Sexuality 17(4), S. 398-411.
Preciado, Paul B. (2013): Testo Junkie. New York: The Feminist Press.
Preciado, Paul B. (2018): Countersexual Manifesto. New York: Columbia University Press.
Schatzberg, Eric (2018): Technology. Critical history of a concept. Chicago und London: Chicago University Press.
Cowan, Ruth Schwartz (2000): More work for mother. The ironies of household technology from the open hearth to the microwave.
Folbre, Nancy (2003): Caring Labor. Online verfügbar unter [letzter Zugriff 07.01.2025].
Martin, Aryn; Myers, Natasha; Viseu, Ana (2015): The politics of care in technoscience. In: Social Studies of Science 45(5),
Lindén, Lisa; Lydahl, Doris (2021): Editorial: Care in STS. In: Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies 9(1), S. 3-12.
Varfolomeeva, Anna (2021): Destructive care. In: Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies 9(1), 13-25.
Mol, Annemarie (2010): Care in Practice. On tinkering in clinics, homes and farms. Bielefeld: transcript.
Murphy, Michelle (2015): Unsettling care: Troubling transnational itineraries of care in feminist health practices. In: Social Studies of Science 45(5), S. 717-737.
La Bellacasa, Maria Puig de (2015): Making time for soil: Technoscientific futurity and the pace of care. In: Social Studies of Science 45(5), S. 691-716.
Crenshaw, Kimberle (1989): Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics.
The Sojourner Truth Project (2024): The Sojourner Truth Project. Online verfügbar unter [letzter Zugriff 07.01.2025].
Combahee River Collective (1977): The Combahee River Collective Statement. Online verfügbar unter [letzter Zugriff 07.01.2025].
May, Vivian M. (2015): Pursuing intersectionality, unsettling dominant imaginaries. New York: Routledge.
Khadija Mbowe,
F.D. Signifier,